The challenging 2020

The challenging 2020 is wrapping up and it seems to be the time to summarize it. But when you think of what to write, it is hard to pick the words and hard to be on the bright side of the things. 
And yet, we have to. For our own sake, so that we can get together and help those, who need it badly. 
First it was an enourmous fear for the vulerable children and adults in the institutions, where the virus was raging and still is. Then the desperation because you can't get in to be there for them, to look after them, to hold their hand in that crazy situation they have never found themselves before. The situation that is hard to understand and impossible to predict. 
All we could do was to collect the aid, protective means, bits and pieces to keep them entertained, which took ages to be delivered. 
All we could do was to record small videos, or try and speak to them via rare videocalls. 
Our amazing Burren Chernovyl Project volunteers did everything they could to send regular humanitarian aid to the orphanages and asylums of Belarus, despite the fact that the corona virus was brutal in their own country. They kept our children and adults in their hearts and that kept us all going. 
Our amazing Belarusian volunteers were there for the kids as much as they could in our own difficult situation, and for that we are specially grateful. 
This year brought us alot of pain, but it also revealed and gave us many fantastic people, and that is a real gift. 
Today we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope that next year will be the one when we can all finally get together and be there for each other, for the children and adults in the insitutions, whom we all badly miss. 
We also terribly miss our volunteers, but the long expected reunion will most definitely be a real ball! 
Lots of love to all of you, our dearest friends, 
Stay safe!
Always yours, 
Dobra Tut
P.S. The full report is here
Written by Alena Martsyanava


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