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Step by step
So many things have changed for the past couple of months, and who would have though, that it would be heartbreaking to walk pass the orphanage without being able to go visit the children. Who would have thought that in our modern world, full of tricks and technolody, medication and equipment, the only cure against a desease will be self distancing and self isolation. But not all the children and adults in the institutions understand this and the necessity to stay safe. They miss the warmth and love and their lovely friends, who all of a sudden disappeared and never came back. Those who understand, patiently wait for the time, when the doors open again, and they will see the faces of their long expected friends. And for now, all we can do, is little bits and pieces, try to make their life comfortable and safe, taking it slowly, step by step. Like our Yuri did, by building new verandas for the kids of Cherven children's orphanage. This little present was arranged with the help of Burren Chernobyl Project volunteers, who donated money to make the outside time more comfortable for both children and carers.
Many things have been done since the beginning of the pandemic, but it seems that it will still be a while before we are able to openly walk into the orphanages, embrase our little and big friends, and be as close to them as possible.
But for now, we keep fundrasing, collecting humanitarian aid, and sending over the necessary help. That's all we can do, until we meet face to face again.
Many thanks to everyone, who is always there for us!
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Always yours,
Dobra tut
By Alena Martsyanava