Happy New Year!

Dear Friends,
The year 2010 is about to finish.

That was a good year. Very fruitful. We have done a lot:

  • Renovations in Svir, Yazovki, Kopyl, Rakov asylums for special needs people.
  • Had a lot of volunteer groups not only from Ireland but from Belarus as well visiting the orphanages.
  • Attracted Belarussian society's attitude towards the problems of people with special needs by organizing a charity rock concert "Dobry Fest" with the great support of "Budzma" company.
  • Organized volunteer groups for regular trips to Rudnya and Kul, where Belorussian girls and boys found pen-friends.
  • And many more other things.

From the bottom of our hearts we would like to thank you so much for your care, non-ignorance, generosity and your kind hearts. Thank you so much for participating in our projects, donated money, visited orphanages. Believe, you have made a huge difference for a lot of those who needed that.

Thank you so much for being with us! We wish you all the best in the coming year!

Wish you and your families much happiness! We hope to see you with us next year!

See you soon!
"Dobra tut" team

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Contact details

Angarskiy pereulok, 117, Minsk, Belarus, 220137 
E-mail: dobratut@gmail.com
Phone/fax: +375 (017) 395-63-48
Send a message from the site
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